“For the sake of this post.
An airline owned or associated with the state.”
Cultural Diplomatic Ambassador
Country Billboard
First Gastronomic Experience”
The airline and airport provide the first impression of a country.
“……..If Soft Power is about winning hearts and minds AND is the means to success in world politics….A state would be wise to explore and exploit ALL of its cultural assets. ”
“Ignoramus et ignorabimus
You don’t know and you are comfortable in this space of not knowing”
A state must be creative in the branding of their identity. Particularly, if the identity of the state rest somewhere in-between: Colonialism, Poverty, Debt and never-ending disease. Through the flag carrier, the state establishes perhaps the most elementary form of diplomacy often forgotten in state affairs.
“People to People Contact” or as we see it “Citizen to Visitor”. A flag carrier gives another platform to show an identity outside presumptions.
Branding and Soft Power is possible in Africa but such engagement must be done in an “uninterrupted space”. The uninterrupted spaces are within the region and in Asia. Another problem with branding and soft power in Africa rests on the lack of creativity from the state. Majority of African leaders have ALLOWED a very frustrating narrative to be the norm. They depend on international organizations, state actors and other non state actors to carve and define their brand. However, they will complain on the way Africa is perceived.
“The perception of brand and identity of African States is the responsibility of the respective state. It is not the job of nonstate actors to do your PR.
There are a few African states waking up to this idea of not needing a visa to travel around the continent of Africa. African states will ask for visas from their neighbors but allow just about every other state to hop around the continent. There is a strong need for liberal visa entries. An African state considering the process of investing in their brand, identity and soft power needs to appreciate liberal visa policies.
African states would benefit from visa schemes such as: 24, 48, 72, 144 hours visas. These kinds of visas can be used to attract a niche population.
“ For the love of all Sky AND Aviation Gods:
No one need stay in an airport for over 6 hours. Sorry, your airport is not that interesting.
…. Create special transient visa zones... These zones must include the locals and the innovators.
Consider this zones to be bragging sessions.... ”
Is your state, city, town or region known for Mangoes? Go Ahead and create a mango transient visa. Allow those visitors to see everything that can be done with a mango. Think out side the box!! Mango scented bed sheets??? Flatware created from the Mango tree???
“I actually had a chocolate scented tank top. I purchased my chocolate scented tanktop at a chocolate boutique in Manhattan. It cost a nice penny as well”
Here are some things to consider:
Does the airport have a digital presence?
Green Friendly?
Technology Innovative?
Art in the Airport (Yes, this is a real thing)
Eateries? (Be diverse in the selections)
No, please don’t have special units to print out the magical password that are located on the other end of the airport.Duty Free Shopping
Can the traveler access trains, buses, taxis or other forms of transportation? If you have Uber Camel, this is okay!! There is no need to do what other cities are doing in terms of transportation. Reliability and applying the niche is the only thing that matters.
Does Uber Camel have an app? Does this app accept digital wallets? Then, let’s go!
Bathrooms must not just be clean but do consider bodies not able to move freely
Sleeping Pods or Areas in the airport must be appropriate
Staff must speak more than 2 languages
Signs need to be in languages that are spoken in the country, neighboring country and with locals.
Housekeeping: A dirty airport does nothing for the image or brand.
Electronic charging stations should be plenty
Does the visitor feel like they are in the country before arrival ?
Are the Hubs reflective of the country?
Does the interior and exterior of the plane match the identity of the country?
What languages are spoken on the flight?
Does the flight entertainment reflect the country or elsewhere?
Does the food or alcohol offered on the plane match the country’ s gastronomy?
Cheaper fares from low budget airlines might be a barrier
Lack of Airport infrastructure investment
Airport Pollution
See you next Cassava Tuesday!