Join us at Water & Cassva in observing Cervical Health Awareness Month
Actress Cote de Pablo talks about her own cervical cancer scare and shares advice for other women. Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: This video can also be viewed at
This public service announcement encourages women to learn the symptoms of gynecologic cancer and pay attention to what their bodies are telling them. Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: This video can also be viewed at
Zambia ended the year fighting Cholera. South Africa is still struggling with Listeriosis .
“ Botswana, Congo, Gabon, Eritrea, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea and Algeria ended 2017, with no PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCIES. ”
Both countries start 2018 with applying new technology towards healthcare access for all. Drone deliveries of blood to hospitals within the network are 45 minutes compared to the normal 4 hours. Zipline International has partnered with Tanzania to deliver 2,000 lifesaving deliveries to over 1,000 health facilities, that is about 10 million people.
To know more about Zipline International
Malaysia started 2018 with the case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mers-CoV). A man returning from Saudi Arabia tested postive for the virus, he was reported to be in stable condition.
“Sexual Health is part of Public Health. ”
The first read is comical but then it gets sad. I mean of all the needs in Thailand, A White Penis? Questions come to mind such as: What can a white penis do that a colored penis cannot carry out? Then you must go back to the space of Orientalism!
“What power does the white penis hold in global south spaces?”
It is troublesome that a Thai Penis does not feel as loved compared to a White Penis. But that there is a technology to whiten the penis, I just kept saying......
does the asian penis speak?
Therefore, we need more Sex Therapist of Color from Asian spaces and African spaces as well. There is an obvious need to deconstruct the Asian Penis and this platform can only go so far into the Orientalism stereotypes that have historically hunted Asian men.
However behind this blog, is a by-product of the West. I can say, Asian men are often viewed through western media has either the Geek or Kung Fu hero. In addition, I am not so sure on just how this happened, but western media has desexualized Asian men.
Asian Media has also fueled this complex of whiteness in their spaces as well. Hallyu to Bollywood, we have a colored problem and we need to talk.
Post Colonial Theorist, Psychiatrist Frantz Fanon.
Frantz Fanon spoke of this penis issue and complexes in White Society. Brother Frantz expressed that white men see not a black man but a black penis. There is nothing more to the Black man just a penis. I am afraid with our Asian brothers, there is no penis. Penis is only visible if it is white.
Seriously love your sexual organs as they are, good grief we need to decolonize our beds as well!
To read more about Brother Frantz and the Black Penis in Society "Black Skin, White Masks"
To read more on this article on Whitening of the penis in Thailand.
To learn more on Asian Sexuality and Narratives from an Academic lens, check out The Intersections Journal: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific.
To learn more on Black Sexual Narratives from an Academic lens, check out the Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships.
See you next PHW!