Trinkets from the Kingdom
Morocco has the distinctive pleasure of holding the unique title “Kingdom”. There are just two other countries known as Kingdoms: Lesotho and Swaziland.
Capital: Rabat
Largest City: Casablanca
Languages Spoken: Arabic, Berber, French and Spanish
Religion: Islam
Currency: Dirham
Leader of the Empire: King: Mohammed VI
Prime Minister: Saad-Eddine El Othmani
just a tad bit on Soft power
By this time, you understand the definition of Soft Power and how it works. However, you understand Soft Power in our conversations is referred to as Cassava Diplomacy. I believe as the years go by, this word will continue to expand and maybe some attributes might not be part of this word, hence (...).
Here is a snap shot of Cassava Diplomacy
.....FIRST WE MUST ADDREDSS the Arab Spring
“Oh, Shit has hit ceiling!”
The Arab Spring was a combination of: Change of Demographics, Human Rights Concerns, Economic Disparities, Political Reforms + Social Media......You get this PBS News Hour video aired in 2011
“A wave of anti-government protests and uprisings that included civilians and armed militias that spread across the Middle East and North Africa in 2011”
Perhaps, Morocco avoided the wrath, because of the new constitution that was introduced in 2010 as a result of pressure to reform, thus giving the parliament and prime minister more powers.
Remember, protest during the Arab Spring were surrounded on reform of (Fill in the blank), this is not to say Morocco perfected this and doesn't have some issues. However, sometimes facing your shit in the face will prevent your shit been tossed to your face. I know harsh language, recall I expressed this blog is not for your virgin ears.
There are so many layers to this new softer image of the Kingdom, to understand that, you must read up on The African Growth and Opportunity Act.
Morocco is an Allie to the United States in the war against terrorism, but you wonder WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THEIR SOFT POWER?
Have a seat, eat Tajine and have some tea....
ou must understand the importance of collaborating with powerful states as a country developing niche diplomacy in the name of Cassava Diplomacy. Through smart strategies, the Kingdom has used economic incentives, culture, education, and religion to craft a very unique soft power.
Understand that Soft Power is only as convincing and attractive, as soon as a great power supports or condones this influence, you have been so kind to toss on to the global stage.
The United States is a "SUPERPOWER STATE" and while it pays to have friends in high places, it will take to you places far and beyond when you are friends with a country that is hegemony itself....
The United States with all the Hard Power has had difficulties dealing with Africa and engaging with radicalization and terrorism, a great example of this efforts "Libya".
Morocco is dealing with development and keeping the peace through promoting its own unique Soft Power by supporting the stabilization of fragile neighbors. Morocco is known for Sufism, which is considered a quite moderate version of Islam compared to the practices of neighboring countries.
The Mohammed VI Institute was formed in 2015 with France as a partner (Global Influence) to train Imams to combat extremism and terrorism through teachings of moderation and tolerance. The Imams are men and women from Mali, Guinea Conakry, Nigeria, Libya and Tunisia please read that twice.
“..Imagine an African state introducing Feminism in International Relations, yet I have yet to see a Female Pope. ”
Morocco has applied moderation to economic and sociopolitical development in efforts to promote stabilization.
Billions of dollars have been invested in the National Human Development Initiative by King Mohammed VI to improve the well beings of Moroccans. (Domestic Influence )
The largest investor in Ivory Coast largest is Morocco (Regional Influence), with over 22% of the companies being Moroccan. Read more on that here:
In the field of technology, the Kingdom started in 2015 to build the world's largest concentrated largest solar plant, read more on that here:
Did I mention, while the Kingdom's neighbors were experiencing destabilization and consequently less FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), the Kingdom enjoyed a profit of 11% in FDI. That will be roughly €3.6 billion, in addition to contracts signed by the king in investments worth €688.7 million with other countries throughtout the globe. Read more on this here:
Did, I mention the influence of the Kingdom with one of the newest countries in the global system, South Sudan? Read more on this here:
Now that you understand, the strategies behind the Kingdom using economic incentives, culture, education, and religion to craft soft power..... Let's speak Marrakesh
Marrakesh is exactly the fantasy travelers have of North Africa, from the Atlas Mountains to the Sahara, the Souks and the beautiful terrain, it is something from a travel memoir. You can ride Camels at the entrance to the Sahara and experience the Sunset. By the way, you will never experience a sunset as that in the Sahara. Did I mention, you can see all the constellations at night in the Sahara? There is hospitality but as everywhere you visit, you will bump into interesting characters that will test your patience on cultural relativism.
The King and his kingdom still have a long way to go with soft power, but they are making strong strides and building strong foundations with neighbors close and far and the international community.
Ultimately the constant attraction for Marrakesh will always be hospitality and color. We all need just a bit more color in life and hospitality to deal.