Institute of Security Studies(ISS)
Our topic for the day
“What is Blue Economics?
All that comes from the (Maritime Sector) that is used for economic development (Sustainable or not)”
Try not to fall for greenwashing arguments that make this two seem the same.
“What is greenwashing?
Think of all the lieeeeeeeeeeeeees, gloss and shiny companies use to promote “enviormental safe or friendly products””
“What is Green Economics?
These are economies that have a primary focus to push for sustainable development by reducing environmental risks and scarcities. ”
Africa Blue Economics might sound like another cool term that so called environmentalist or millennials have coined to simply describe the Ocean Economy but the current dynamics of Africa Blue Economics is truly deeply concerning.
“Did you know that 70% of African countries have coastlines?”
The term Cassava Economics used under Cassava Diplomacy is based on African countries looking inwards for innovation and sustainability. The African Blue Economics surrounding the fishing sector with Africa Coastline countries could contribute to not just innovation and sustainability but also improve economic and social stability.
“So between 2000 and 2011, 64 percent of China’s average annual catches, valued at more than $7 billion, came from West Africa?????
“So we have to feed all of you because you will not invest in birth control?
I argue the same of Africa States that do not want to speak about birth control?
There are about 15 different ways to go about Birth Control!! ”
The African Union Solution has a strategy that for sure by 2050 will be in effect. The AU is quite depressing but anyway, please take a look below.
“The “2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy (2050 AIM Strategy)” consists of the overarching, concerted and coherent long-term multilayered plans of actions that will achieve the objectives of the AU to enhance maritime viability for a prosperous Africa.”
The primary victims here are the coastal communities that are bearing the beatings from the overfishing and acidification of the ocean, but the African Union is aiming for 2050. These communities are never considered during the development and design of such policies. There is also the issue with pollution coupled with the overfishing, you get real security concerns and migration movements that can only best be described as chaotic. African coastal countries should focus on their unique eco-systems by researching what works best for their unique communities.
“Hollistic route towards the coastal communities”
Kenya has decided to be proactive in their commitments and not reactive by having policies within their blue economics that aim for better options. The Kenyan Government in September 2016 established The Department of Fisheries and Blue Economy in the Ministry of Agriculture. This is exactly why Kenya will always maintain regional hegemony, other countries go towards a reactive approach, Kenya relies on frameworks, science and policy.
“The Africa Maritime Industry is located in 38 coastal states including Cape Verde, Sao Tomé and Principe, Mauritius, Seychelles and the Comoros profits $1 trillion per year”
To know more, this link will take you to the Kenya Institute of Public Research
Read below to understand more on the Seychelles Blue Economy Strategic Roadmap
South Africa has adopted a policy, Operation Phakisa that focuses on four primary areas: marine transport and manufacturing, offshore oil and gas exploration, aquaculture and marine protection services.
“Captain Nemo would not like this....”
What are African Countries Lacking?
Polices & Governance
Teamwork makes the dream work! Unified frameworks would help such as mulitlateral agreements.
Coastal Law Enforcements
Look, I am not suggesting shooting to kill people. Heaven you should restrain from killing, however if deadly force must be applied….
United States
Take a trip to Alaska and just start overfishing and attempt hostility, Go on and try….
International & National Law
These laws are here for a reason!
Mandatory Registration, Permits for Fisheries
This is not a drive thru fast food joint, you are not going to have it your way
CCTV for the Seas & Up to date technologies
I will let Uncle Bob speak on this to you
"Build your penitentiary, we build your schools" now can you hear "Build your coastlines, Build your communities"..
African Charter on Maritime Security and Safety and Development in Africa (Lomé Charter)
“Blue Economics also includes: Offshore oil and Gas Production”
“Africa looses $2 billion to illegal fishing
There is also the Yaounde Code of Conduct for West Africa and Djibouti Code of Conduct aimed to curb the criminality behaviors of the seas.
Enjoy this article on China and West Africa Fisheries
Africa must be responsible for her oceans not other state actors. No blame game here just the dyanamics.
From all of us at ESE & SEGYE, handle your antibiotics with care
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See you next Mulday!