Cassava Tuesdays: Sega Branding of Mauritius

Red- Freedom and Independence
Blue- Indian Ocean
Yellow- The new light of Independence shining over the island
Green - Agriculture of Mauritius and the colour of the country throughout the year
— Mauritian People to the World

Capital: Port Louis
Languages Spoken: English, French, Creole and variety of Asian languages
Religion: Hinduism, Christianity, Islam,  Buddhism
Prime Minister: Paramasivum Pillay "Barlen" Vyapoory

President:  Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

President:  Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

Mauritius ranked # 50 out of 176 countries
— Corruption Perceptions Index 2016
Currency: Mauritian Rupee

Currency: Mauritian Rupee

Mauritius is one of the most stable and successful economies in Africa with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of USD 11.8 billion and per capita GDP over USD 9,400.
— (2016)
We must take a moment to remember, our friend the Dodo. The Dodo was a unique bird because it was only found in the country of Mauritius. Hunters from other spaces and hunting in Africa will forever be the death of our ecology system. The Dodo becam…

We must take a moment to remember, our friend the Dodo. The Dodo was a unique bird because it was only found in the country of Mauritius. Hunters from other spaces and hunting in Africa will forever be the death of our ecology system. The Dodo became extinct in 1662.  


Our 5th country for Cassava Tuesdays will be the Republic of Mauritius. Mauritius is home to over 1.3 million people and belongs to quite a few intergovernmental bodies such as: Mauritius belongs to the: Small Island Developing State (SIDS), The European Union (EU), the World Trade Organization (WTO), Southern African Development Community (SADC), Common Market for Eastern and South Africa (COMESA) and the United Nations (UN) and maintains strong economic ties with the BRICS.

The small island country of Mauritius is actively working on branding tools. We will discuss nation branding today, this is not the same thing as soft power. It is an arm of Soft Power but not Soft Power. Do you need a refresher on the term Soft Power? Simply go back to any of our entries: Mulday, Cassava Tuesdays, Public Health Wednesdays, or Silk Road Thursdays. 

Applying corporate branding techniques to countries.
— Nation Branding


nation branding visuals



  • Political Stability
  • Economic growth 
  • Investment & Secure Friendly
  • Bilingual Workforce 
  • Open market for foreigners and talents
  • Multiethnicity 
  • Ocean Statehood *(I will touch on this another day)
  • Intergovernmental Relations (I mentioned that earlier)



The white sandy beaches and turquoise waters of Mauritius lure tourists from around the world. The tourism sector is vital to the island's economy and this year is set to grow again. CGTN's Clementine Logan reports.


Remember in an earlier entry, I stressed the importance of "Flag Carriers". Check out the last entry on Ugali meet Kimchi. The Airline of a country must be safe, attractive and sky friendly. 

Flag Carrier Safety: Have you been banned from the safe skies of another country?
— Water & Cassava


Air Mauritius is accessible to visitors from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. This is also strategic based on their economic ties. The airline is IOSA-certified (IATA Operational Safety Audit) airline and approved by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency). Secondly, using an airline as a branding tool only works if your regional neighbors also respect your brand. Read this letter below to understand the role Air Mauritius will have in Ghana’s new brand. We discussed Ghana on an earlier entry. You will have to read that to appreciate this letter. 




Thirdly, The brand must be respected internationally, read this letter below to understand KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Air Mauritius new partnership. Make sure to read this letter with the background of branding and soft power. 


Did you know that Air Mauritius has helicopter services? By services, I mean premium services. 

What about Air Mauritius holidays?

Do you have a in-flight magazine? In-Flight magazines are there to sell the "BRAND", "PROPAGANDA" of a country, city or region. It is a very impotant tool in the visualization of the country's brand to the passenger. Check out the bilingual Air Mauritius's Islander Magazine


What is Sega? Sega Music was created by the escaped slaves, it was their expression of all their new and old experiences.

There is also a new trend of blending sega, zouk and reggae, check it out! 




Mauritius is hosting the first African economic platform forum. It's aimed at economically transforming Africa through industrial development and intra-Africa trade. The two day forum is being attended by heads of state and governments from across Africa. CGTN's Girum Chala is in Mauritius following up on the latest


This is just the beginning of Maurtius! I hope you appreciated this example of branding . 


See you next Cassava Tuesday

Public Health Wednesdays(PHW): The F* Word, African Sexual Liberties & "Medical Diplomacy"



Superpower & Great Power States maintain a hold on Africa with the three F words: Food, Foreign Aid and F&*%$#@
— Water & Cassava


Learn the basics on how to use a male condom correctly. Male condoms are inexpensive, easy to find, not hard to use (a little instruction never hurts, though!) and really, really effective against HIV, chlamydia and a host of other sexually transmitted infections when used consistently and correctly.
FC2 female condom Animation - English

For any questions, concerns on safe sex including testing, go here:

..African queeer resources on sexual health


The violated and invaded spaces of African Sexual Liberties through the disguise of governance and aid in the name of “medical diplomacy” feeds the diet made of “Diplomacy of Dependency” of African states.
F f$%^&*# is part of health, just like the importance of a balanced meal, limiting alcohol or avoiding it in your diet, making sure to be active at least 30 minutes out of the day and so much more. I had a professor once tell me, once you hear or read “politics” or “security” in front or behind the word, the B.S is coming: Water Security, Food Security, and Global Health Security. It should be told, the person that uses this term to create any policy is the bullshitter!

Never forget, any forms of medical diplomacy through “foreign aid” by the helping country is just a branding tool in their soft power to the “sick country”.
— Water & Cassava

International Health Cooperation for purposes of extending help (real health diplomacy) in health strategies are nothing new in the conversation of foreign policy. Europe was forced to incorporate such health strategies in their attempts of dealing with cholera and the plague. The International Sanitary Conference took place in Paris on July 23, 1851, this will be the beginning of Global Health corporation. 

The motivation behind medical diplomacy or health diplomacy, is the ambition towards soft power or smart power to those that can wheel it on the global stage
— Water & Cassava


Foreign Policy discussions on health was at the low end of the pole like:

 “Graffiti is considered Art for some (Low Art by those with money) but paintings by Salvador Dali is considered not just high art, it is complex art”.

The game changer for health (low politics) vs (high politics) was the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It would forever change the language and corporation efforts towards global health security. In additions, the ability for actors to weaponize viruses presented new woes as bioterrorism. This moved health from the bottom of the pole(low politics) to the top of the pole “high politics” now known as foreign policy.  

Do you remember the “great global concerns” “the health security risks” of the Ebola virus? Did you see the praises Nigeria received on their approach to keep Ebola away?

Pay attention to the language in  8:05-:07

The Ebola virus has so far killed more than 2,800 people in West Africa, with the majority of deaths in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. But nearby Nigeria has been able to spread its message about the disease -- what it is, where to report it, how to prevent it -- with more success.
The Econmics of Ebola was a powerful deterrent to stoping the spread of Ebola... Oh and Global Health Security
— Water & Cassava

The Brookings Institute speaks on the economics behind Ebola




There is a very strange interest in spaces below the equator line with regards to family planning and sexual liberties with actors that range from religious spaces, NGOs and governments.  These actors occupy spaces in Africa and manipulate “STD/STI concerns” as a tool to control the people. 

Again, why not help build condom factories and leave resources to help combat the issue? It would cost less and make fiscal sense on every caring actor's budget.

Their presence rubs raw to our issues and concerns and these morph to problems in our already fragile-complex spaces. Sing it loud and proud, Come together right now....

Ike & Tina Turner - Come together 1971 Original by The Beatles, released 1969




5000 years ago, the first documented condom was in Africa. Africans have always understood family planning and understand the need to protect the body from STD's/STI's. We also understood that not every sexual experience must result to a child.

Where was Europe 5000 years ago in the discussion of sexual liberties? We know that the state of war was the norm. We know that in all this barbarism and pillaging of lands and tribes, there was just no room to contribute on sexual liberties. Ah yes!! The roman soldiers did use sex as a way to build cohesion in their military units. No judgement here, War is seductive.

In Asia, Japan used condoms before Giacomo Girolamo Casanova shocked and was celebrated for his sexual liberties!

This a linen condom from ancient egypt. 

Vintage condom container from 1929. ..Wonder why Ramses?

Vintage condom container from 1929. ..Wonder why Ramses?

They've been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt. See where condoms started and you'll appreciate how far they have come. One more reason to never go without one.


The addiction to aid that African countries simply cannot detox from by their former European colonial dealers is not going unnoticed by some very old friends. While Japan and Korea give money towards combatting HIV/AIDS, China gives condoms. 

This is not always a good idea because of quality and frankly size. 

The colonized penis and vagina is on the backdrop of a colonial framework that only saw our sexuality as primitive and barbaric. Please understand that for African women and men, it has stood for 500 centuries that our diet is made of pure white virginity or monkey savage black as tar hypersexuality. 
It is documented that African men were subjugated to extreme violence from their masters and were forced to apply sexual violence on women because they were not viewed as humans but working domesticated animals.

Africans, Indigenous Americans, and Asian people were housed in human zoos found in the United States, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium from 1835-Late 1940s. Wealthy white men could touch “the exotic creatures” and of course have that barbaric jungle sex.

 Sarah Baartman 

 A young Khoisan woman that was enslaved and sexually exploited from modern day South Africa. She is a testimony to the colonized state of African genitals. Sarah was known for her large buttocks a result steatopygia and beautiful elongated genitals.

Accumulation of large amounts of fat on the buttocks. This is normal!
— Steatopygia

After her death, her brain and genitals were put up for display in French museums  like Musée de l'Homme until 1975. It was in 2002, that the French government gave her body back at the request of then President Mandela begging and pleading.

Her skeleton is very well cared for here because we never know what science will be able to tell us in the future. If she is buried, this chance will be lost... for us she remains a very important treasure
— Musée de l'Homme, Philippe Mennecier, Assistant curator

Her body was used for racist distorted justifications in academia and literature that claimed African women were related more to monkeys than humans. 

Our beauty is like to that of a monkey! In the name of black Jesus byway of Marcus Garvey, we pray that you rebuke those white lies!!!
— Water & Cassava


There is a western hegemony on theory, academia and sexual narratives that dominate our current conversations, academia or popular culture around sexuality. This  by design is not empowering to African people but damaging to the African ontology. 


After, The Atlantic & Indian Ocean Holocaust, The Aftermath for African diaspora people in the Americas and Europe, Colonial Africa, Apartheid Regime, and the systematic oppression throughout these spaces …

Do Africans truly understand and celebrate their sexual liberties without colonial guilt?
— Water & Cassava


Think about this…

 We are not even allowed to question the questions behind our colonized sexual expressions and sexual liberties. Medical OR Health diplomacy are such pressing issues in Africa yet with all that aid, I do not see condom factories but condom distributions.

Our sex is brutally policed, I mean you do not think those condoms reach everyone right? You do not really believe applied public health is truly used in our spaces like we see in western spaces, right? In my early years of applied public health, my employer (uncle sam) allowed for funding to teach people the sexy in “cheeking condoms”.


African Sexual ontology is fluid and more open-minded than that of the former colonial masters, despite the alternative truths that circulate around this topic. 

Africa is responsible for the entire existence of the human population as we know it today. How can anyone even suggest that sexual liberties, diverse sexual orientation, gender, fluidity in human sexuality would be a new concept?
— Water & Cassava

Tuareg & Sexuality

As you read this, understand they are Muslim! These women are and have always enjoyed their sexual liberties. 

As you read this, understand they are Muslim! These women are and have always enjoyed their sexual liberties. 



What in the entire $%&* makes white colonial spaces believe that our sex is barbaric, unnatural, jungle like, dirty even immoral and unholy? Stop playing games, our sex is so holy that we birth the planet. 

There is romantic white vanilla softness that is praised with whites and their sexuality. We are not allowed to bask in our shea butter African sexuality in peace. We as Africans have our own traditions, practices and scholarships in sexuality that are wide and diverse.

Whitewashing of everything that comes from anything below the equator is the norm. Constant alternative truths and taking away contributions of the co called "other" in western distorted narratives even deceives good people out here that the vanilla spice is white. 

To understand why you think it is white, no fault to you. I tell you the colonized state is a disease, it even colonizes your stomach!

To understand more about the Theif that stole from our brother Edmond Albius:

This entry is about sexual liberties, so I should mention the queerness that is vanilla.  The vanilla plant is hermaphroditic by nature.


                THE CATHOLIC CHURCH

1500 years and you are still not holy! Carry on

On the plane returning from his journey to Africa Monday, Nov. 30, 2015, Pope Francis spoke about condoms as a method of preventing the spread of disease, saying that the Church was faced with a perplexity of whether to follow the fifth commandment (Thou shalt not kill) "or that sexual relations are open to life."






A catholic priest in Mexico was accquited and forgiven by the church after raping 30 young girls despite knowing he was HIV+. The kicker here, he was forgiven by the church. 

That is the Catholic Church on sex!  They are killing African men and women by making it clear condoms are not holy. I wonder what about the videos you just watched scream "HOLY". The church and to be clear, places of worship should not be given a platform of any to dictate legislature in health-related policies directly or indirectly.  They are more than welcome to be part of positive community engagement in public health education.


1. We have special “aunties” or “older female relatives” in many African countries that offer marital advice before your special day. I am not speaking about making: Ugali, Jellof rice or Tajine. I am talking about SEX. These women are so legendary that you only know them on a need to know basis. #vipstatus

2. Chinamwali session from Zambia

You are so welcome!

 3. Labia Elongation (Nothing to do with FTM)


Top Rubber Producers in Africa

Ivory Coast
Central Africa

None of these countries have condom factories because that would really be “medical diplomacy”. Outside of this fact, out of 1.2 billion Africans majority of condoms in Africa are either donated or from western manufacturers. There are less than 20 condom plants in Africa and less than half of these factories would be up to standards as you saw on the video. 

An average condom factory should produce 160 million condoms a year, operating 24 hours a day with staff from the business sector, social media sector, science sector and technology sector.

Anyone willing to help?

FYI: There is a current  shortage of roughly over 450 million condoms in Africa. 



The world’s largest condom maker is based in Malaysia. Malaysia is a top rubber producing country in Southeast Asia. However, it has decided to contribute to their public health narrative by designing and manufacturing their own condoms.


Japan's population decline could be the biggest humanity has ever seen. Adam Yamaguchi went to Japan to learn how they're looking to robots to prop up their dwindling numbers, and maybe even redefine what being "human" means.


You can catch the conference that looks at robots & human sexuality and what the future looks like:


To read the latest report on robot behavior and sex:


 Until next PHW!!






Cassava Tuesdays: Ugali meet Kimchi!“Can Kenya Soft Power extend pass Econmics in South Korea?”

Have some tea or coffee! Let's talk Kenyan....(Yes, people actually ask Kenyans "Do you speak Kenyan?")

Have some tea or coffee! Let's talk Kenyan....(Yes, people actually ask Kenyans "Do you speak Kenyan?")


Now you know!!

Now you know!!

Flag and Map of Kenya

Flag and Map of Kenya

Capital: Nairobi
Population: + 48 million people
Official Language Spoken: Swahili (KiSwahili) and English
Religion: Diverse Religions are practiced from Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judiasim
Currency: Shilling
President: Uhuru Kenyatta
Vice President: William Ruto

Kenyan Currency-Shilling

Kenyan Currency-Shilling

Soft Power must be a fluid relationship, “I find you attractive and the other person says, me too!”
— Water & Cassava



Both countries have experienced the brutality of colonialism. There are opinions, that view Japan to South Korea vs. Great Britain to Kenya as "different". This kind of thinking, which places hierarchy in the experiences of the severity in colonialism as “countries above the equator line” very bad but “countries below the equator line” it was not really….

It also promotes a form of “rationalize and marginalize” in the discussions of colonialism that allows for this space of the imaginary grey, I will call memory of the colonized. This colonized memory must also go through the process of decolonization otherwise it will just handicap and agitate the “modernization, growth and security” of these unique spaces as they interact with each other and the “global north spaces” promoters of “globalization, human rights and democracy”.  


Pali-Pali-(빨리빨리) meet Kwa Haraka

Education in South Korea just like working is 빨리빨리. This phrase in Korea makes up the very cells that hold this country together. It means more than hurry, like your very next breath depends on you carrying out the task at hand. Students in Korea have a school schedule that resembles an overworked professional in the country. It is beyond 8 hours and there is no such thing as paid overtime or after school extracurricular activities. This rigorous approach to education and competitiveness in getting into fields of technology and sciences play a huge factor to the differences between South Korea and Kenya.


Kwa Haraka (Kiswahili for Hurry )

In the case of Kenya there is no Kwa Haraka on the conversations of developing the brilliant young minds of Kenya. For so long similar regional or tribal backgrounds were the only qualifiers needed for employment. This blatant oversight will cripple Kenya and starve the growth and development of a country that as many other countries in Africa, suffers from brain drain.

Side bar

South Korea is also driven with sticking to certain cliques, that if young graduates are not from the S.K.Y universities, it is extremely difficult or impossible to work for certain companies.
Seoul National University
Korea University
Yonsei University

Despite such rapid development in many sectors of society, South Korea still struggles with diversity inclusion. In the conversations of Africa & South Korea, it is also the responsibility of African states to promote their brand and educate the Korean public. 

Sidebar: This is why ESE & SEGYE is greatly needed, like the chili paste to the 떡볶이 떡 (Tteok-bokki)

Just explaining, the story of two students that attended the same primary and secondary school. Their approach to higher education, saw one working 40+ hours, interning 20 hours, and graduating on time! This allowed for the enjoyment of their fruits of hard labor, after graduation. The other underestimated such a rigorous schedule and now must work thrice as hard to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
— Water & Cassava
Did you know: Kenya had a higher GDP than South Korea in 1962. In 1963, Kenya gave out a $10,000 loan and relief food to South Korea.
— Ugali Diplomacy (Water & Cassava)

Both countries have strong economies but lack career opportunities for the younger generation. Current President Kenyatta and Moon have expressed passionate pleas to change this dilemma. We shall all see!

However, this 빨리빨리 mentality of Koreans, has propelled a poor G-77 country to the incredible nation that is the Republic of South Korea.  The R.O.K is a member of G-20, N-11, OECD and APEC. This 빨리빨리 mentality will introduce the world to Kimchi Diplomacy!.


This is Ugali- This also means love. 

This is Ugali- This also means love. 


Soft Power has many faces, for the country of Kenya it is stable economic policies. It is clear from our videos below, Korea loves ugali! Kenya keeps hegemony throughout the East Africa Region and plays the role of peace promoter and advocate for open markets. 
Kenya is a major player in regional bodies such as: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), East Africa Community(EAC), WTO (World Trade Organization) and so many other organizations that contribute to shaping out ugali economics soft power. 

Kenya could teach a thing or two to African leaders that enjoy the glory of visiting foreign nations and those foreign leaders visiting their countries but does nothing for their image. 

Regional & Neighborly Stage of Diplomacy

July 2015, Kenya played host to U.S President Barack Obama(Superpower state) during the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Nairobi.
— Pres. Kenyatta making use of Ugali Diplomacy (Middle Power State Diplomacy) Water & Cassava

To understand more on the importancec of the Global Entreprenuership Summit:

Global Stage of Diplomacy (On

You must always lend a helping hand to those that have nothing, this is middle power state diplomacy at work, notice Kenya is the only African country on the list. I told you Ugali is love!

한-케냐 정상회담.. 한국형 산업단지, KAIST 수출된다 We begin in Nairobi where President Park Geun-hye is slowly wrapping up her tour of the African continent. Today, she sat down with her Kenyan counterpart where the two leaders agreed to cooperate on Kenya's massive infrastructure projects especially in the energy sector.
한-케냐 경제교류 The president's trip to Kenya is also expected to elevate their economic cooperation to the next level. For more on the potential of the Kenyan market and where the two countries stand in terms of economic relations, Kim Min-ji reports. Kenya is East Africa's economic heavyweight.

Rand Merchant Bank’s (RMB) seventh edition of Where to Invest in Africa was released September of this year and Kenya was #6. 





Kenya fails in the section of branding towards South Korea and for that matter Asia! I mean Koreans drink Kenyan coffee and that is it. I am afraid Kenya underestimates the power of a brand and the role it can play in preserving "ugali soft power".  

Here are some soft power tools available for Kenya towards Korea.


1. Tusker Beer
The beer's slogan is "Bia yangu, Nchi yangu" means "My beer, My country" in Kiswahili. Look at you, reading it in Kiswahili! 
Easy promotion with this here, you don't even have to try! The way Koreans enjoy a beer, I think this could even be used as a bridge to build on inter-cultural relationships between the two. 
Did you know: You can buy Tusker in the U.K. Yup at Sainsbury's, I swear you can honestly find anything at a local Sainsbury's

Kenyan Beer-Tusker It would be criminal not to post this very famous Tusker commerical! Don't you just want to get on a Kenyan Airways flight?  

Kenyan Beer-Tusker

It would be criminal not to post this very famous Tusker commerical! Don't you just want to get on a Kenyan Airways flight? 


Tusker Beer

2. The Giraffe Manor
You are welcome!

Giraffe Manor, Gogo Falls Road, Nairobi, Kenya

Giraffe Manor, Gogo Falls Road, Nairobi, Kenya

3. Gastrodiplomacy
Perharps a Kenyan Pub that offers Nyamachoma in Seoul? 

Nyamachoma- Very popular dish in Kenya (roasted beef)

Nyamachoma- Very popular dish in Kenya (roasted beef)

Mandazi, you have not tried this? Poor you. (Pub Food and everyday food here)

Mandazi, you have not tried this? Poor you. (Pub Food and everyday food here)

4. Beach Tourism 

The Sands at Nomad offers you the ultimate beach getaway. A combination of discretion, tranquility and warmth with the privilege of Kenya's best beach. Nestled into 26 Acres of pristine coastal forest The Sands at Nomad steps away from the traditional block hotel concept, into an atmosphere of space, freedom and personal care.

5. Safari Tourism
Partnering up with local universities... Nah, that is why you should contact our mother company, ESE & SEGYE. 

Wildlife expert Saba Douglas-Hamilton and family move to the romantic Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya to run a safari lodge for the first time. This wild, remote and rugged region is on the frontline of conservation and the battle to protect Africa's big five from poachers is heating up.

6.Kenyan Airways
Unfortunately, Kenya has still not grasped the power in this tool

Considering visiting Kenya? Only one way to fly!


See you next Cassava Tuesday!

Muldays Mondays: China's Waterplomacy "The OMFG, The Ugly and the Bad.......

Waterplomacy: China's Water Woes

Waterplomacy: China's Water Woes

To understand the politricks behind water security and related topics, simply pay attention to these terms: Economic Activities and Development, Peace and Political Stability, Financing (Remember W.A.S.H?), Ecosystems, Drinking Water, Water Pollution, Climate Change, Good Governance and Transboundary Cooperation
— Water & Cassava

.... OMFG- The Case of The Gambia  


On May 22 2017, The Bolong Fenyo Wild Life Reserve in Gambia was poisoned by the Chinese owned company Golden Lead Factory. The color of water ranges from pink to red, because of the dead animals discovered in the reserve and surrounding areas. After an investigation, it was discovered the pipelines were dumping toxins to the reserve. The company blamed the local fishermen for killing every single fish in the reserve.
I am sure you can imagine, the local people and government had some difficulty believing this formal response. The Gambia National Environment Agency sued The Golden Lead Factory for violating environmental regulations and for the pollution of the sea. 

Bolong Fenyo Wild Life Reserve after poison

Bolong Fenyo Wild Life Reserve after poison

Please click below to learn more:

Now after this, you will think Gambia will be singing this to China:

But in the words of the young boyz from Philadelphia:

As of August of this year, Gambia decided to work with China on supporting and building on infrastructure, agriculture, and tourism. China in return will have unrestricted access to the Gambian market and about the  T word....

China: Gambia you understand there is only one China
Gambia: We understand that Taiwan is not a country, Please don’t go away
— Imagined by Water & Cassava

To read more on Gambia not wanting China to go away:


...The UGLY-The Case of Cameroon 



Meanwhile down south from Gambia, we have the country of Cameroon. A country that has had the same president for the last 30 years, home to 5 separate groups that wish to take their independence from the country and ninth country to benefit from Chinese loans and aid. 

The Cameroonian Ministry of Economy signed multiple technical and economic agreements with China worth FCFA 49.4 billion (594 million yuan) for a drinking water supply project

To get the brief gist of this project:


Cameroon is the walking definition of the song above.  

...Cameroon owes China $1 billion dollars in loans
— Water & Cassava


....The Bad: The Case of China's Water Security Issues

China has a host of water security issues internally and with neighboring countries. Home to 1.3 billion people, that is roughly 20% of our planet's population. China struggles with access to fresh water but in order to understand the role of agriculture in China's water woes, read this article: 

Birth Control OR Control of Birth
— Water & Cassava

The answer from the China government to water security concerns, is the South-North Water Transfer Project that will cost the government $62 billion dollars. There are some serious concerns on the role of pollution in the building of such a massive project including serious risk to the population. Read below to understand why such concerns are alarming:


China's attempt to deal with water scarcity has been to build more dams to divert water in regions of the country that lack water. This diversion has cost India lives and over $30 million in damages. Read this article to understand the growing tensions between India and China that stem from water manipulation

Until next Mulday!